Hi, my name is Angie Gaines and I have loved horses since I was a little girl. I learned to ride my first pony, Patches, a Paint, Quarter Horse, while my Dad led her on a lead rope across the green pastures in the Sand Hill Piedmont of North Carolina.
Years later, I found myself a mother of three wonderful sons, a wife of a great husband and a real estate business owner in Dallas, Texas. Volunteering has always been a large part of our family's activities and over the years I enjoyed activities such as PTA President of Lake Cities ISD; teaching in local schools with Junior Achievement; teaching Sunday School at Highland Park United Methodist Church with my husband, coaching baseball for our son, Andrew, with my son, Martin as my partner; with Park Cities YMCA and one of my favorites: volunteer and volunteer trainer at Equest Therapeutic Riding Center in Wylie, Texas.
At Equest, I rediscovered the respect and love I had for horses. After volunteering at Equest and working with their amazing horses, I realized I was missing something in my life; the warm love and trust that only a relationship with an animal can offer.
I discovered the American Curly Horse, also known as American Bashkir Curly Horse, and decided to breed these wonderful horses for Therapeutic Riding Programs. They have calm, gentle personalities and many have a gait similar to a running walk which is easier on our backs; especially in our golden years. They are found in many different heights and sizes for all riders to enjoy. Curly horses owners are also discovering that this horse breed has a hypoallergenic feature in their curly coats that let folks who are allergic to other horse breeds find the opportunity to get back in the saddle and spend time with the equine friends.
So, with the support of my husband and family I put away my business suits and heels and traded them for boots and jeans. We bought a 40 acre tract of land in the sandy loam soils of Kaufman County, Texas; approximately 30 miles east of downtown Dallas and there I brought my first Curly horse, Warrior Mead Berndt Lakota home.
Soon, I had the opportunity to bring Lakota’s cousin, Renegait Chesterfield and his cousin Renegait Cinnamon River to our ranch. Golden Curls was the name I gave the ranch as all of our original Curly horses have flaxen mares and yes, they are golden in my eyes.
The opportunity to give a forever home to two BLM Curly Mustangs, Golden Red and her daughter, Blossom, was a new adventure for me and one that I will always cherish. I spent many days and nights nursing our girls back to good health and they have rewarded me with trust and partnership. Blossom has also given our a wonderful little colt; Chester's Golden Nevada's Buckle. We also have a wonderful BLM Curly Mustang stud colt, Sparky, who we will breed in the future to preserve these wonderful bloodlines and great attributes such as strong hooves, strength and stamina for endurance and, of course, the most important to me, intelligence and great personalities. These horses are amazing. They are smart, fearless and yet respectful. I have learned so much more about myself by working with them.
Everyday is rewarding and positively challenging. I take pride in the watching the progress each horse makes in their training and love to share them with others and the horse world. Feel free to visit us and share our world at Golden Curls Ranch.
Angie Gaines