Golden Curls Ranch

Cattle For Sale


Here at Golden Curls Ranch, we have some of the finest Irish Dexter Cattle available for breeding.

Our Irish Dexter cattle are registered with Legacy Dexter Cattle. All cattle have been tested with UC Davis and have DNA reports. Golden Curls Ranch is proud to breed the tradional Irish Dexter cattle which provide both milk and meat. These cows can pasture on smaller acreage.

Contact us about breeding!



SOLD - - - - Registered Irish Dexter Bull, born on our farm. Lines go back to original Bull from Ireland. Irish Dexters produce both milk and meat. Great oxen for driving....prefect cattle for small pastures.

Registered Traditional Irish Dexter Bull For Sale
BCB's Golden Brendean Reg#LO2051MH-13HH
Legacy Dexter Cattle Registry
Born 1/9/2013
Approx weight - 950 lbs
Proven Breeder


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