Welcome to Golden Curls Ranch Home to Curly Mustangs and Legacy Irish Dexter Cattle!
Golden Curls Ranch is excited to share our wonderful Curly Horses! Our horses are hypo-allergenic and very friendly.
Riders of all ages and skill levels are welcome to experience the joy of riding with our Curly Horses!
Golden Curls Ranch is pleased to offer riding lessons with our wonderful hypoallergenic Curly Horses. We offer riding lessons in both English and Western for all ages and riding skills.
Riding lessons are $40 per hour; this includes learning to groom, tack and read your horses' body language. We have both an English sized outdoor arena and trails. For availability, contact angie@goldencurlsranch.com

We hope that you will visit soon.
We are located 30 miles southeast of Dallas off of 175 & Highway
34, before you reach Cedar Creek Lake. Come see the many exceptional
benefits our horses have to offer.
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